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თბილისის ფორუმი > პროგრამირება > პრობლემა რეკლამაზე

Posted by: geomario 20 Feb 2023, 14:36
გუგლმა "ჩრომმა" მომწერა აი ეს და არის რამე საშუალება რომ ის რეკლამა რასაც ვიყენებ მაინც გამოვიყენო და ჩრომი/გუგლი მოვატყუოთ?

Resource owner https://www....................

We have detected breach of trust issues on your web pages. To protect visitors, from 22 Mar. 2023 Google Chrome browser will prevent your site from opening new windows and tabs and will block ads on your site if the violations are not corrected.
What needs to be done

Find violations

Examine the abuse report to identify the sources of the problem.

Eliminate violations

Develop a strategy for dealing with such issues together with web development experts.

Request a review

After making sure that there are no more violations on the site, request it to be re-inspected. Include any additional information that may make it easier to review your corrections.
Help is needed?
• Review the articles on breach of trust and how to request site verification in the Web Tools Help Center.
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